Thursday, 31 January 2013


This is part of the questionnaire I have created. There will be a link to survey monkey, which will allow you to answer my questions.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


In order for me to achieve the type of magazine I would like to create, I will need to research other R&B magazines. I need to focus on the way they present their material. For example, the way they present their images: clothing, poses(facial expressions, body positioning),background. The image of the magazine is very important!
Also, I will need to look at font and colour. These are elements which will portray the type of genre i am focusing on.
As it will be based on festivals that R&B artists have gone too, I will also need to reasearch how to incorporate that concept in to my magazine to make it recognisable that's what the magazine is about. The imagery and colours will also need to represent a festival theme. I feel the font type and colour of the name of the magazine needs to represent this, as well as having a symbol or piece of writing that refers to festivals.


My questionnaire will be up tomorrow! It would be really good if you could answer the questions so I can get some feedback and collect more ideas.


I personally feel that R&B is the genre that I will pick. This is purely because I have a bigger interest in the music, therefore I am more engaged with the artists in the genre and feel I know more about it. I am still using my questionnare as a way of understanding the specific requirements that should be included in my magazine. I've decided that I am doing a festival magazine. Festivals have become more mainstream recently. They used to aim mainly at rock genres, where as now many R&B, Pop artists have entered that scene and it has become very successful. I think the concept of the magazine will be interesting to do and I think it will work really well.

Thursday, 24 January 2013


I'm still deciding what genre to pick, but I have narrowed it down to 3 options. It includes: R&B, Rock and Pop. I need to do some research in to each genre and find out the audience and market for them. Once I have analysed this, it will become easier for me to understand the genre that I feel is most appropriate for the magazine I want to produce. I have also created a questionnaire to support my ideas and directly find out what people prefer.


Hello! Welcome to my blog for my music magazine. It will show the development of my ideas in to what my final outcome will be.

This is my preliminary task. Me and Alex created a mock up of a school magazine using Indesign. It was our first time using the programme. We kept the front cover simple but elegant, and used a gradient tool to contrast the white and black background together. We used a simple minion pro font, which looks formal and the white font contrasts well with the logo of the school. 

The contents page is a different colour as we wanted to contrast it with the logo, which is green. We kept the layout simple but it works well as a school magazine doesn't have many topics to address. It's a formal magazine which focuses on particular aspects of school life. The layout is parallel and we kept everything in line with each other to create more space.